Storytime Visits
We visit about 40 early years settings (nurseries) once or twice per term to give Story-times. These are 1 hour sessions using a number of story-bags to engage the little ones. Each bag has a story book, plus toys/puppets matching the characters in the book. The children love these sessions.
We hope to model good for parents and staff how to read successfully to such young children.
Every term we take with us free book-bags to give away to all funded 2-year-olds, and are now extending this to more age groups.
We have a team of dedicated volunteers for Let's Talk Reading.
Five of the volunteers co-ordinate the sessions we run across Ipswich, and are the local link for early years settings. These coordinators arrange the Storytimes, collect the library books we use in the sessions, put together book bags and deliver the 2 year old book bags termly to the early years settings in their area, as well as joining in with community activities.

Other volunteers spend a few hours each month, depending on their availability, taking part in the Storytimes, putting together book bags, and joining in with the community events that all the volunteers support. LTR volunteers always do the Storytimes in pairs, and sometimes with three people, as new volunteers are inducted into the team.
Our volunteers come from all sorts of backgrounds, and the thing that they have in common is that they are passionate about reading and the difference it makes to children. They thoroughly enjoy what they do, and especially talk about how rewarding it is to read with children and engaging parents and early years workers in the joy of reading. Some of our volunteers have made their own Storysacks to share at Storytimes, and these have been really successful with children and early years settings.
Our volunteers are interviewed and references taken up, followed by a session with the Co-ordinator and the Lead Volunteer to induct them into Let's Talk Reading. New volunteers go with an experienced volunteer to their first few Storytimes, and all our volunteers work as a pair. We run termly volunteer meetings, which are a great chance to exchange information about the Storytimes and Community Events we've done so far, and think about what we've learnt and what we could do next.
We need more volunteers so that we can increase what we do across Ipswich to offer more frequent Storytimes to some of the early years settings and sessions in community groups which have asked us to work with them.
We'd really like to talk to you if you are interested, Our contact details are at the foot of the page..
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