Free Book-bags

LTR is attempting to get more books into disadvantaged homes.

Since 2017, we have been giving away free book-bags to pupils in 30 to 40 Early Years setting across Ipswich.

Since the coronavirus crisis, we have extended this to all 0 to 4-year-olds
in the 40 EY settings, mainly via Christmas book-bags.

We also work with our partner schools and charities to get book-bags to struggling families.These bags contain a good quality book, a sheet of nursery-rhymes and lullabies, information about reading with toddlers, details of recommended books available from the local library, and information for parents about adult literacy and skills development. (see picture right).

We give away between 8,000 and 9,000 free books per year, which should ultimately make a difference!

Free Book-bags


Free Book-bags

Examples of a couple of requests we've had recently:

  • a social worker working with a large family who had no books at home, and the children were having difficulty reading. We put together a book bag with some new and pre-loved books to fit with the children's interests and reading ages, and information for the adults in the household about Read Easy;
  • The Oaks School requested family book-bags for several families who don't have books at home and the parents needed encouragement to read with their children.
  • We offered to assist the Raedwald Trust with their "Community Shelf" initiative by donation 220 books, which could be distributed with their food parcels . Read more about it in our news section

We expect to distribute these via nurseries, playgroups, Children's Centres, schools, churches, HomeStart and ICENI.

If you would like to apply for a bag(s) please contact us.

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