Barriers to Reading

Barriers to Reading

We suspect that many of the children and adults who struggle to read will be suffering from one or more conditions which adversely affect reading, other aspects of life and behaviour.

Most of us are now aware of dyslexia, and then there obviously are conditions like poor eyesight and deafness. Not every school checks their pupils for these well-known conditions.

However, have you come across Sensory Integration issues, Retained Primitive Reflexes (RTR) and Irlen's Syndrome?? These also have very profound affects on pupils, but almost no checking is done, even though remedial actions are relatively straight-forward and cheap!!

Many of these conditions are related, and a pupil may exhibit elements from several conditions.

If you want to understand a little more about sensory integration issues, listen to this Charlotte Davies Ted Talk

What is Irlen Syndrome?
Irlen Syndrome (also Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome) is a problem with the brain's ability to process visual information. This problem tends to run in families and is not currently identified by other standardized educational or medical tests.
Irlen Syndrome can affect many different areas, including:

  • Academic and work performance
  • Behavior
  • Attention
  • Ability to sit still
  • Concentration

"As many as one third of people diagnosed with attention deficit disorder may suffer from Irlen Syndrome".
You can read more on Irlen's Syndrome

Let's Talk reading is keen to trial screening of primary school pupils to find ways to deal with these conditions early in a pupil's education

Our first Trial into RTR was completed in December 2020 and is reported on in Resources

Barriers to Reading

Fit 2 Learn has expertise in the areas of: motor skills; sound processing skills, using Tomatis sound therapy; visual skills; and how these skills inter-relate through games, puzzles and physical activities. Further, how trauma of all kinds can impact on skills development.

The ability to make sense of what is heard and not to be overwhelmed by sound.
The ability to use two eyes together to send messages efficiently to the brain; and for the brain to be able to "see" and make sense of images such as 3D images, patterns, create visual memories and so on.
Achieving motor sensory integration at the highest cognitive level to the point where a person can use all their senses together to read for meaning or to solve any problem.

You may be interested in this book: The Maze of Learning - Developing Motor Skills; learn how to ensure that your child has the best foundation for learning.

This book is a foundation, a starting block to build:

  • Postural control, core strength and coordination.
  • Auditory processing skills.
  • Visual skills.
  • Motor sensory integration.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Resilience.

Follow up sensory issues with our local expert partners at the Multi-Sensory Training Centre