School Quotes

School Quotes

"The LTR project will, in the long term, be transformational for our pupils": Jeremy Pentreath, Headteacher, The Oaks Primary School.

"Fresh Start interventions have been incredible in securing progress for a number of our struggling children and wouldn't have been possible without the funding from LTR. This year we have completely transformed the way we teach reading and a big part and support of that has been Let's Talk Reading": Hollie Carey, Literacy Lead, The Oaks.

"I didn't used to like reading. I swear I am always reading now! My teacher recommends good books to me and there are some really good ones in our book area." Year 6 boy, The Oaks.

Helen Emmerson, English Coordinator Cliff Lane Primary School, after LTR Steering Group meeting: "I came away feeling really inspired and we've implemented a few of the things I heard from other schools. You're doing a wonderful thing for reading in the area!"

"I love these books with mum at bedtime. We read some of the words together but mostly mum reads and I get to listen to the stories." Y2 pupil at Whitton Primary School following introduction of bedtime reading trolley funded by LTR.

LTR funded books to extend FRED through the school increased parental engagement from 14 to 67 families: Hillside Primary School.

"English is now the highest performing core subject across all year groups. The excellent progress in each year group has been underpinned by LTR contribution": Emma Ingate, Literacy Lead, Ipswich Academy.

"People enjoyed getting involved. We all clapped and sung along with the actors. It was easier to visualise scenes after we saw the performance. It really helped me - I still remember some of the quotes." Year 10 male student, Ipswich Academy, following LTR funded Shakespeare workshop.

"My favourite part is working and sharing with my child and when Miss reads a story." Piper's Vale Primary School parent, relating to LTR funded Reception workshops with parents.

Ashlee Jacobs, Head of SEN, Raedwald Trust: "Through initiatives supported by LTR, in addition to targeted intervention and quality first teaching, we have seen a narrowing of the gap between our disadvantaged pupils and their peers..."

"The Let's Talk Reading project has been an excellent opportunity for libraries to collaborate and work in partnership with like-minded organisations to tackle a key issue in Ipswich. The project has given the libraries involved the support to think and act wider around literacy, to help local communities more effectively and it has fundamentally changed the organisation's approach to literacy support. Suffolk Libraries is keen for this work to continue and grow": Krystal Vittles, Suffolk Libraries' Innovation and Development Manager.

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