EY Professionals
Please read with you children every day. Not only do the children enjoy each session, but it will really help their overall development, particularly their vital language development.
We know that songs, rhymes, and reading are often part of everyday activities with children in early years settings; we want to support you with that. Our offer to you through our volunteers is to supplement what you do, by bringing something different into your setting.
Our volunteers will visit your setting once or twice a term and will demonstrate how you can use story-bags and puppets to successfully engage the children in stories. They will also bring a wealth of books from the local library which they, staff, and parents can read with children.
If you want to know what staff and parents think of our Storytime visits, look here.
If any EY colleagues are not very confident in reading aloud to children, we can help them, through our partner charity, Read Easy Ipswich
You can find a more detailed summary of the reading challenges and what we offer with our partners on the Early Years page
If you are interested in finding out more, you can contact us via the links at the foot of the page.
LTR and Read Easy don't offer EAL or ESOL classes, but we have compiled details of such classes offered in Ipswich. Contact us on the link below if you want a copy of this list.
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