Secondary Schools
We work in partnership with schools to look at ways to improve reading outcomes for all pupils.
We have a Secondary Reading Pledge, here , targeting a focus on all young people leaving the school as confident and enthusiastic readers ready to take their next steps. Schools agree to create time and space to read, placing reading and literacy at the heart of their school and aiming to instill a passion for reading for pleasure in their young people.
In 2016/17 we received money from SCC Raising the Bar Community Fund for literacy improvements in schools. Schools used the money in a variety of ways to improve children's reading from one to one interventions, refreshing book stock or literacy visits. See case studies here .
More recently we have worked with 2 Ipswich schools and the Multi-Sensory Training Centre to look at Barriers to Reading. Many conditions exist which can slow or stop progress in reading, including dyslexia, Irlen's Syndrome, 'Retained Primitive Reflexes ( RPR)' and poor eyesight.
We can help link you to experts in such conditions as RPR, who would be very willing to give your staff appropriate training to enable the children to be identified and help them overcome the problems using very simple exercises. Statistics on our recent trial and case studies here .
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