Community Events

Let's Talk Reading and Read Easy Ipswich welcome opportunities to talk to organisations, clubs, early years staff, school staff and parents about the importance of communication and reading. We are happy to offer information, do presentations, answer questions, and take part in discussions about reading with children, and adult literacy.

We give away free book-bags to families and free adult literacy manuals, so that any reader can 'Teach a Friend to Read'.
If you have an event where you'd like us to bring a stall, free books and Storytime readers, let us know (contact links at foot of page).

Some examples of where we've done this include:

  • Gainsborough Community Fair in July 2019, where we offered Storytimes, including 'The Tiger who Came to Tea', talked to over 100 parents and children and gave away about 150 free book bags to children of all ages.
  • Chantry Library in March 2020 for World Book Day, where we joined in with a community event in the library, did a Storytime with a variety of books and activities based on those books.
  • Gusford School in November 2019 during the Chantry Book Jam, where we ran workshops for parents of nursery and reception children, with Storytimes, activities, and singing, and the opportunity to talk to over 90 parents about reading with their children.

Just give us a call if you're interested, or have an event that you'd like us to join.

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Community Events